Thursday, February 28, 2008

As expected: U.S. Retailers' shut downs

As mention in previous blogs, due to the pending recession and uncertain US Market, some businesses would just have to suffer the consumer backlash, rising cost and poor dollar value. Starbucks already announced late last year that they are closing poor performing stores to cut back costs and to stop cannibalizing Starbucks Branches.

It's scary to think that the once economic powered US might be a current home for thriving, good and popular businesses to slow down...or worse...shut down. Starbucks, for crying out loud, will close 100 stores. And rumors say that there are at least 10 companies who will disappear in 2008, examples are YAHOO, Motorola and SEARS. Yikes. Those are just rumors, on the bright side that is. On the bad's official that some top US retailers are now slowing and shutting down.

1. RITE AID Drug store, exiting Las Vegas
2. Starbucks, more than a 100 stores, slowing expansion by 34%
3. Home Depot, 3 call centers closing---- (CALL CENTERS?? HERE?)
4. Krispy Kremes due to poor sales --- well not in the Phils.
5. Talbot Kids apparel
6. Pacsun
7. Macy's, closing its 9 locations
9. NEXTEL, Sprint


We'll never know what will happen next.

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