Friday, October 17, 2008

Wiser Shopper Edition

"Mrs. Ciullo watched nervously as the total rose from $120.77 to $128.33 and finally $130.32, then brightened as the coupons brought the bill back down, from $128.75 to $106.11 and finally $96.11. “Go. Betty, go,” she whooped, and did a little coupon dance to celebrate."-NY TIMES

I applaud women who find means and ways to uplift ones standards of living without the added costs and financial burden. Streetmarts that count more in the end. Diskarte, kumbaga.

Some of us may have resources, degrees and reputable jobs, but do we maximize it and get even? Before thinking about anything negative, stop. Coupons are not morally degrading. It's an opportunity to take a breather from the commercial empires of retail. I just hope this scheme applies to my country. Unless of course you're filthy rich or relying on your parents support forever, then you would find this information and inspiration useless.

This woman deserves an applaud, and a PHD is consumer budgeting.

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