Thursday, July 16, 2009

How I love the Rain

I love gloom. I love the rainy weather.

I sincerely wish Gotham City is true, without the crime of course, with Christian Bale as my neighbor and Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf in every main corner.

I'm not a summer type of person. I don't like blue skies and sun that much. So whenever there are mild storms and low pressure areas looming, I get immediately happy. I find more reason to dress up in comfortable clothes. I find more comfort in eating. I get calmer and content with the coldness and darkness.

Before I left for work this morning, I knew from the sky that it was going to rain. I got my comfy long sleeved shirt, my wool vest and a jacket with a smile. I even happily assisted my brother in walking towards his school, listening to the sweet fall of raindrops kissing the pavement. The rare sight of me walking with an umbrella takes me back to my dream of walking in the 1800's streets of London out to the Opera. I feel more poetic.

As I arrived at the office early, I finished my comforting Cream Cheese with Bagel and coffee. As I burped and finished my breakfast at exactly 9:10 am, I looked outside my office window and I am faced with one of the of the darkest mornings I can ever cherish. It was so dark that it looked like a day about to break into the evening. The 9 AM looked like 7 PM. It could have fooled anyone without a strong sense of time.

Thinking of being nestled in the commercial district, in a cold room with all my tasks laid out on me, I wonder if I would ever get through the day, without sleeping, without sneaking out to go home. It's too early to tell. For the life of me, I could be at home watching cartoons in my pajamas. But for the meantime, one of the things I want to do in this weather, is to eat HOT TAHO, double the sago, double the sugar. Beats any shake in the beach for me.

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