Tuesday, February 5, 2008

February Fourth Frenzy

Yesterday, February 4th, is the anniversary of SIMS game creation! I cannot begin to tell you how how this game has become a complete work of art! It's not just a game, it's a psychological fun assessment and lifestyle!

Also, yesterday, a hefty, emotional and "political" scene happened in the House of Representatives, wherein the now former House speaker, JDV or Jose De Venecia, was ousted by his peers via a floor majority vote. There are a lot of angles to view this occurrence and one of them is that democracy was exercised to remind its constituents, the public and public officials that anyone occupying office could be immediately ousted; and it's quite foolish to think that they are somehow cloaked in permanency.

Some viewed it differently, in the light of disrespect and treachery. Some viewed it as a sign of much needed reform! The problem is, we always seem to find the need to make reforms, but we cannot even achieve any sound goal of the change had to happen in the first place. We've always been good to develop faith to change society for the better, but our actions come in rather too late, wasting our golden intentions. Some even viewed it as a melodramatic scene, as a final plea of a man who felt he was betrayed, scorned and ridiculed. It was a last call of alliance so that the Congress could get on to the "real" work and not be submerged to the pathetically muddled Politics.

I haven't fully watched the former House Speaker's privilege speech, but I've read and heard news and commentaries about the speech in nature. I've even heard excerpts of it, and all I can say was that the speaker, at that time, was full of emotions, whether it may be from anger, passion that failed to be properly channeled, or frustration towards the system and towards the corrupt government.

There are a lot of possibilities and work plays that one can derive from this political occurrence. Individual and group feedbacks would likely develop, for or against a party or government. As cliche as it may sound, there's nothing much to do about it than to accept the change and move on, rather than to dwell on the angles and drama wasting valuable time of useful action.

Sadly, for some poetically wise and apathetic to speeches and dirty politics, they all reflect in the name of karma: "Karma lang yan, they are all corrupt anyways and he should have seen it coming. Tama na ang politika." Well, a case of when the shit hits the fan I guess. He might come of this as a battered martyr, a fool or a hero for nation's cause, but right now, we really shouldn't care much on the drama and the titles. It's of no use. This is not a reality show where everything could be peachy at the end. This is our country. This is our future, and what we need right now is integrity, sincerity and action of our government officials to make the right changes at the right time.

And lastly, February Fourth is also a birthday of Bags Bagui, a friend, who is currently based in London, and hey hey hey who's about to take a trip home in two weeks time!

February fourth, a monday of all sorts. What a 'romantic' start.

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