Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Dogs that bounce Back

I'll keep this short.

To all Dog Maltreaters in this world,

I hope you die due to Rabies. I hope you die a burning and agonizing death and just be remembered like a non-stop foaming machine with bloodshot eyes protruding from your dilapidated skulls that host a pea-size of a brain. I'm afraid no one will go near you because you have become worse than a dog. You might bite out of nowhere.

Do invite us to witness your last human struggle. Harvey and I will be glad to watch with popcorn and super tasty steak bones.

Kaye and Harvey

It's definitely okay not to be a fan of dogs. To ignore them when there's need is kind of inhuman, but it beats any maltreating, torturing and eating.

I'm happy that dogs, that encountered ruthless acts by people they immediately and selflessly perceive as masters, were able to bounce back and give joy to others. News of dogs being hurt breaks my heart. Some dogs are saved, but some aren't. It reminds me of Oreo, may the almighty bless his dog soul.

*Daphne and Harriet
Daphne was kept in a small overheated shed and Harriet's bowl is filled with algae


More stories and pictures in

I applaud people who rescue dogs and bring them back to 'life.'

I admire people who adopt dogs and foster them.

If I had enough means and resources, I'd create a dog pen that will continue to adopt, nourish and rescue dogs from scums. In the meantime, I will do my best to donate at the best pet organization in my community. I hope dog carers and lovers do the same.

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