Sunday, September 20, 2009

Lifestyle Changes 101

They say that if I want to achieve something so difficult I should always put it into writing to deeply internalize it. In this case, I'm blogging.


1. Cut back on unnecessary costs like dining out, unplanned book & accessories shopping.
-I'm already doing this slowly but surely. I plan my dinner invitations well and I exhibit utmost self-control when I immediately want to buy something unplanned. I don't jump to purchase. I wage mental battle first.

2. Enroll in a Fitness regimen even if it costs money. It will feed new activities and outlook in life to achieve a more positive and healthier result.
-Last Friday, September 18, I've already signed life-changing contracts of my life. Hopefully I get to adapt and follow through or it's money down the drain, which will make me end up at the losing end. So, it's all or nothing.

3. Travel. Travel. Travel.
-If there's one thing I'd like to spend and destroy my savings on, it's this. I've already lined up places I want to go to from October 2009 to October 2010. I have friends who support me and family who will "try" to support me all the way. First stop, I'll go back again to the lovely lands of CEBU this October. Couldn't think of a better place to start my traveling escapades.

4. Continuously write, blog and find that creative muse.
-I know I couldn't live without writing and blogging. Forging on. Also, I might need to upgrade my blogsite.

5. No to vices. ALL human vices.
-No more drinking (hardly ever do anyways), no more smoking (will encourage people who matter to me to quit smoking), no to dragging and unproductive late nights. No to binge eating.

6. Cut Credit cards.
-Will work this out. Hopefully by October, I'll have everything cleared.

7. Go love Organic.
-Will support organic products from now on.

8. Be MORE independent from family and friends.
-Will revisit my single-hood roots in doing enriching activities whenever and with whomever I please. I don't just go with the flow. I make them.

9. Learn new more productive things.
-I've been consumed with computer games for the past few months. I've reached a point where I felt I needed to stop before it becomes too unhealthy. I want to learn new things like pottery and learning a new language. I want to be hooked to something positive. The search is on.

10. Choose wisely
- As Nestle's tagline puts it "Choose wellness, Choose Nestle." I believe lifestyle change, above anything, is being able to choose wisely. Choosing what's best, more beneficial, healthier and more productive.

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