Tuesday, September 23, 2008

So much for Autism Test

I chanced upon this link for an Autism Test in one of the regular blogs that I read. Yes, you read that right. It’s an Autism Test.

Usually harmless and sometimes stupid tests are composed of personality tests, girly tests (the ones you find in cosmopolitan magazines), and some random social tests. Other tests concentrating in IQ are just plain intimidating and academic, but whoever hasn’t taken one should at least, um, take once in his lifetime. It’s a thing or two a person should at least know about himself.

Anyways, probably someone who made this isn’t seriously considering it to be a credible reference. I mean, it’s Autism. It’s not a laughing matter. It needs in depth scientific psychoanalysis. Most probably this might be ranging from a joke to an ill attempt to provide a pro-bono testing site for those who are just damn curious to know. The latter includes me. So if ever you'll take this one, don't get overstressed if you find yourself autistic.

So I took my time and lo and behold, according to this test I’m 2 points away from being seriously autistic. I doubt if most people who know me would be surprised anyways. But seriously, I’m not. I was just bored.

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