Friday, September 12, 2008

The K Adjectives

We had an orientation yesterday. As usual, like a must-have part in any orientations, we had to introduce ourselves, my least favorite part. I could bare the brief spontaneous introduction, stating your name, your department/position or your nickname. However, Divulging hobbies or interests just makes it weird; and doing childish games make it so torturous.

Yesterday was the worst I had so far. I had to introduce myself in a large group of people, think of an adjective that starts with the first letter of my first name; and do a pathetic dance step that could destroy whatever reputation I have.

Well, the dance step, I’m more likely to invent. I could just easily say that I don’t dance and just snap my fingers like what Napoleon Dynamite does. If they care for an explanation, I’d give it to them. But I’m more challenged on the Adjective part. Seriously, how many “usable” adjectives start with letter K? At that time, I had a total of ten K-Adjectives swimming in my head, yet only four of it I would be able to use. Honestly, would they really care what K adjective I would use? Well, I care! I know myself too much that adjectives like Kleptomaniac and kind (fairy tale kind) are so contradicting me. So I immediately scanned the crowd and prayed that no one’s first name starts with K, or else I’m screwed. I’m fourth at the end of the line.

Here are the couple of K’s, at that time, I thought of:

Kittenish: Yeah right, nothing in me looks feline. I may be stubborn, but not sophisticated at all. I'm not a fan. I’m allergic. And my movements are not that graceful. I’m more of a klutz, which brings me to the next adjective.

Klutzy: Well, this is true, but I might hold an impression of tripping every second. I could be a source of an efficient prank or people wouldn’t try to go near me in case I might spill something piping hot in their slacks, or trip on a projector cable while they’re presenting. This is quite a disadvantageous adjective, True, but I’d rather not.

Kinky: Well, out of the question. Me? Kinky? I’m not that creative

Kept: I may be lacking in kinkiness, but I’m certainly not princess-like or a nun. I get dirty (literally), I am liberal and I voice out my opinions in any way I can, even if the situation is awkward. I’m hardly what you would call prim and proper. And I don’t want to sound so Victorian.

Known: Known for what? This leaves so many rooms for interpretation.

Knowledgeable: This is a contender, but do I really have to broadcast that I am knowledgeable? It sounds egotistic. Well, at some points I can be.

Kindhearted: Pretty similar to kind. Boring.

Knotted: I have no idea what this means in direct relation to me.

Kooky: This is another contender. It’s a perfect K to say that I’m loony in the head sometimes, but KC C. uses this in one of her blogsites already. I’d rather not associate.

Kaleidoscopic: Another contender, but it’s too poetic and abstract.

Finally, after a few minutes of thinking and watching them do their performance, I finally thought of the perfect adjective! K for…… KILL JOY! It’s so me. It’s not pretentious. It’s not poetic and sometimes it’s so funny you want to gag, okay I exaggerated. But K for Kill Joy, how cool and original is that?!

Then my turn came. Looking at their cheerful faces, I felt they should be spared. So, I simply chose the word KIND. It’s simple, neutral and a no-brainer. It’s not egotistical even. The KILL JOY would just have to wait. It would just come out naturally… much for orientations.


Anonymous said...

I was googling this exact thing - my boyfriend had to do it at an orientation-kissable, kinetic, knowledgeable-then you could be kute with the spelling and say klever. There are not a lot of choices.

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