Thursday, November 6, 2008

Coward Pig

Excuse my Happy Breakfast mood, but this post is not at all Pleasant.

Don’t you just love (to kill) people who are making “parinig.” It’s a non-confrontational confrontation as they would say. To put it shortly according to it’s wherein “you throw words into the air, within earshot of the person you dislike, or within hearing distance of your friends who support you. You’d rather not say it to the face of your object of ire, but neither do you want to keep silent.” Well you know what, it’s damn irritating and really pathetic.

I hold more credit for people who confront than those who use the coward route. At least if they send their messages directly to the person, it’s intended to be clear so that more positive results would be achieved. In making “paranig” it’s either you don’t want to address the issue or you’re just scared to. But the fact is you rant and complain in public. Ugh. It’s true that in this world, not all people are immediately dense and sensitive. Sometimes people have to be told about the circumstances. But it’s always more respectable to choose a clearer and more dignified method especially if the person concerned is just a foot away.

We were eating at the pantry last night and 5 of us were occupying half of the long table. The other table was pretty occupied as well because the lechon was still in position for other teams to partake. We were finishing up on our desserts when a couple of women, lead by a largely built procrastinator, entered the pantry with their take outs. Obviously they were going to eat.

She looked at the other table, looked at us and sighed heavily. “May Kumakain pa ata.” (Someone’s still eating!) with a tone that could instantly ignite me to rip her off to pieces (in my imagination). The tone and the rolling eye movement were enough to accuse us for the lack of space due to our presence and the lechon’s. Maybe she was that hungry or she was just having her monthly visitor. Nevertheless, she thought she gained triumph by stressing her displeasure for all of her cretins to hear.

Fine, in a way we were at fault because the Lechon took up much space. It’s not like we have something to do about it, but after what she did, compassion and sensitive KAPUT! KEBER to her! We wouldn't want to realize and be sensitive enough to fix our shortcomings if we are being treated in such an undiplomatic way. Yeah, we're at fault, but since you’re just a hot headed undiplomatic bitch, then how we would want to see you suffer until you learn how to improve your Grade-school methods of problem solving.

Since she is the queen bee and supposedly “aggressive” enough to release that particular remark, would it kill her to kindly ask us to remove the lechon? We might even be so eager to wipe the table clean. Her choice of attack was so pathetic that all respect was drained from her. I wanted to slap her to pieces, chop her head off and replace the lechon’s head with hers. But I just looked at her and realized that she’s not worth it, plus the fact that my colleagues were there spared them the shock of their lives. As a token of my appreciation though, I just left the lechon for her just in case she would want to cannibalize her own kind.

So for those who would wish to confront, a tip, just do so. It would be much better for you, for the person and for the problem to be solved. Making parinig is cowardly, unrespectable and downright funny. The only thing that PARANIG results to is UNNECESSARY ENEMIES. Enemies that based from your method, you could only fight from afar. If you have a problem with a person, given the right place and time, deal with it. I’m sorry, but not all would want to fight coward losers.

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