Last night my best friend Je de la Cruz MD and my soon to be MD good friend Tin Lucero, all from high school, went to my house to hang out. Gosh, we rarely...rarely and I mean..RARELY get to do this. We're practically neighbors in the south yet it's as if we live planets apart! It's a good cause for a reunion though. Since Je is getting married this August, we felt the need to somehow relive the bonding moments we've had when we're younger and so much time in hands. With all the work, the practice, the pressures and respective love lives, we have put our "moments" together on the shelf. But yesterday it's as if we just graduated highschool.
I can still vividly remember snatching Je from her bus service and asking her to ride home with me. Weekends and especially summers were spent in either my house or hers. We'd eat, take a nap, fumble with the guitar and talk about the future like it's been laid in our hands. With Tin, I'd always remember going to United Paranaque trudging my badminton gear to exercise. Yet after the exercise, we'd go to her house and make specialized cookies following her mom's cookbook. Wala rin ang effort! Sometimes the three of us would hang out in my place. Tin, being the homey and best cook, will make things work and come up with something great while Je and I just get mesmerized as if we have just seen a Discovery Channel Breakthrough. But now, I've learned a few things about cooking, I can say Tin will be proud of that. Je in the meantime has the best cook for a future husband anyways! Everything turned out well in that regard.
Anyways, last night we decided to go out and to have a chill, legitimate fun. It's too quiet at home and felt adventurous, since the three of us are really not what you would consider "party people." We are more of "dinner-coffee people." I got the remaining leftover sandwiches, dropped by Mitch's house to give him his favorite, while Je tries to schedule a meeting with him regarding the prenup. After all's been set, the three of us headed towards Central and had the rarest funnest time of our lives.
Everything was discussed, raw and straight to the point. There were times wherein I just have to realign my planets to accept that we're talking about censored, difficult "adult" stuff that we squirmed about when we were in high school! I believe we've become more mature about stuff and when we tend to look back, we only envision sweet memories. We've changed, most definitely. But I know, we have changed for the better, that's for sure.
As we cheered on to various people and various incidents in our lives it really hit us that we missed each other! We intend to do a better and longer version of that night! And I'm hearing a SPA-RTY!
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