Thursday, June 12, 2008

This could've been me

A Dream Mocking Reality production presents:

By Penn Literelle *Source Forwarded*

Someone put a smile on my face today, and it's from someone least expected.

Actually, I nearly gagged when I came across this source of human fallacy as I try to drain down my last gulp of coffee. Come on. Seriously?? Are you trying to make me laugh and get comfortable with your inuendoes? My humor might be a little bit misplaced this morning, but the last time I checked I'm not the one building a career as a paramour.

Do not ever get me wrong. How come you ever get things wrong, you tell me. I'm not about to explain your incompetencies. All I have are questions and opinions that may seem too ambitous to be a source of aid. Let's start with the fact that probably you have missed one of the most basic lessons in life. A lesson that is being taught to pre-schoolers; that it should not always be me, me, me. It's not always I, I, I. There are certain things you think you might need and in effect you try to acquire it in the expense of other people. If that's not wrong, then I think you should begin to watch Sesame Street Volume 1. They might have a chance of influencing you no matter how corrupted you've become.

I also understand that we are not perfect creatures. I make mistakes, obviously you make mistakes, but the intensity of your damage is far too much and takes on gradually than whatever mistakes I have ever accomplished in my lifetime. Not all people manage to make the same mistakes as you did. People lie, I do. People become lazy, messed up and procrastinate, yes. People get fired up, flared up and result to certain bouts of depression. We are humans after all. We screw up sometimes, but definitely we try our very best to learn and to repair damages as soon as possible, if we can't avoid it. That's the true will of a human spirit struggling amidst the chaos of this tainted world.

But how come you are willing to fall into that blissful mistake slowly, obviously and repeatedly? Do you have a control problem or do you just let irrationality and vibrant emotions rule your actions? Do you not bear witness to the specific changes and effects that your actions impose on you? Are you trying to be blind? Are you trying to dream that everything will go away and the whiff of luck will soon be knocking at your door? Do you sincerely wish that by the end of the day every uncertainty and issues would have faded away? Do you seriously think that the fates will vote for your success because you genuinely believe that your happiness justifies whatever actions you choose? Do you honestly think that you will emerge victorious because you have enjoyed the process of what you would call love with the wrong place, with the wrong time and certainly with the wrong person?

Two sets of words. Dream On and Good Luck.

Dream on because your concept of success and bliss will soon fade away, consume you and might eventually crush you no matter how you shield it with your justifications. Dream on because you will be haunted by your coarse actions and realize that you have wronged yourself, wronged some people and definitely wronged the society. Dream on because as much as you'd want to avoid the facts, hide from the truth and be numb from the pain, nothing can make you invincible. Dream on that your sordid words of wisdom, applied and seen in the most twisted sense, will alleviate your situation. Dream on that you are very well educated, well-learned and most gracious when basic lessons in life are something vague to you. Dream on if you think you are way better on certain levels of attraction and act as if you are the righteous damsel selfless to just patiently wait and claim your deserved victory. Dream on if you have underestimated individuals who are prepared to fight for the rightful cause and thwart your dreams into oblivion. They are not awaken lest provoked and some people have got to tell you to stop. Dream on, you say, well say that to yourself.

In the event that you have realized, acted upon it or not, then you would need all the Luck you could get in this world because obviously you've ridden on someone else's luck. You are no different from a natural cheater, in fact you tower above your kind. You willingly invested yourself and knowledge upon it, and honey, you need all the luck to resist this certain fixation. I must admit that it's not an easy task since you have foolishly participated in an emotional charade, unless I permanently think of you as a mutant with a heart of stone.(That seems a convenient explanation) That's why you need all the luck to resist all the temptation and repair whatever damage you've broken. I also wish you luck to find the strength to walk away and understand that your place is nothing but imagined, you have to create your own happiness without the desire of trespassing and without hurting anyone. I wish you luck that you find the ounce to understand that you have provoked jeolousy and defense as a shield against you from all your wrongdoings. I wish you luck that you may not have to deal with these trials in your lifetime.

Now, if you think of me as righteous and knowledgeable, do not let me stop you because at least I know I'm not going to allow myself to carry out an unnecessary mistake just like what you did to me. I know that for thousands of reasons and thousands of opportunities, I have eluded that same mistake and I've controlled what needs to be controlled. How come you can't or you won't? Are we any different in that aspect perhaps? Do not see me as a hypocrite because I'm simply not. I am not a martyr either. Do not ever underestimate me because I have the capacity to understand my rightful place and defend it the best way I can. If you eventually reach that certain aspect in your life, you will understand. I have been accustomed to the mechanisms of your kind and I am not naive.So do not fall comfort on what you know because I'm certain you've been led astray by your emotions and other forces that envelope you.

If you are to worry about me, save the effort. Please don't for your sake. Unlike you, I know I am strong and creative. I might get fallen and wounded sometimes, but it only keeps me stronger and more knowledgeable. In fact, I am merely ignited to share what I feel towards your spongelike ways. If anything, I feel elated. Do not worry about me because of some notions that you feel. I am not trapped, you are. You are trapped in your illusion and it seems your counsel's been also tainted. Mentioning that, now I'm the one who's worried about you.

You see, I've met lots of people who fell or almost fell into that trap just like you. But the difference is they know when to pull back and redeem themselves before it's too late. They have the will. They made a right decision, an unclouded decision. They have an optimal sense of their being and found ways to preserve it. They do not cling on fantasized friends who also live to dream on the possibilities. They have respect for themselves and respect for others. Now, do you think you could fit in?

Life is not as complicated as it should be. People make things complicated, not life. Do not attempt to rationalize an irrational thing. Leave it be and move on. Do not justify your twisted actions with hopeful anecdotes and use it to make things clear and linear to begin. It takes more than that. Live the truth and move on. Knowing your place and your motive is very easy, but fulfilling it is a different case. Also, do not deliberately hurt people. You have no right whatsoever. Do not play god and act and play as a victim, in fact you played too long and too well. And if in the slightest pigment of your imagination you think you've succeeded against me, have the clearest grasp about life and love, and eventually learned how to permanently crush me, well then dream on and good luck because your efforts fall short. And all you'll ever be to me is that someone who constantly tried to make me laugh.

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