Thursday, August 7, 2008

Last Thoughts on getting NBI Clearance

Yeah, I'm sure you've heard of these warnings before:

"Always keep your bag close."
"Be vigilant."
"Don't leave your wallet or ID elsewhere"
"Be there early."
"Don't talk to strangers."
"Dress Simply"

It's a basic set.

But I've realized there is a totally different set of perspectives on getting through the whole NBI Clearance transaction. Here are some musings I have experienced and pondered on while I was there.


I don't envision myself getting to do this anytime sooner, but it still took me a couple of internalizing and programming that I have to eventually go through the process. Pick a day you're most likely brave enough and patient enough to take the challenge. I know, this is not something that you would likely hear especially if you're on a rush, but if you have the luxury of planning, pick an "encouraging" day. Make sure that on that day you are flexible to avoid grouchiness and mediocrity. Make sure you internalize every possible scenario and size up the courage and patience to withstand it. Once you do, you'd feel more adventurous than grouchy and more challenged than harassed.

WAKE UP EARLY, and by early, get your ass moving before 6 AM.

This is one of the best advice ever. I know it's painful to wake up in the morning, but once you've internalized that you will be finished before lunch, then you have your whole day at your own disposal. You can get to accomplish more and maximize your time. NBI officials are more energized in the morning. By midday they will be tired already from too much transactions. You'd end up with a grouchy attendant. And also, make sure you've also eaten.


Once you're inside the transaction area, do not be surprised if people would just ask you out at random or peek at your application forms. Do not be immediately offended. They might be new to the process and the instructions are killing them. Instead, be accommodating, or if not, just let them peek. If ever they ask you, just politely answer to the best of your abilities. There is no room for snobbish attempts here. Once you're inside you're the same with everyone else, applying for the NBI. There's no special treatment whatsoever.

Also, help yourself. I know with lots of people and overly magnificent boards, the process could be sometimes confusing. You would be missing some steps and you would just realize it when you're at the middle of the line already. Be vigilant. Help yourself and observe. Do the peeking if you must. It wouldn't also kill you if you ask.


I've experienced this on my recent trip. Someone shouted at me to go back to the line because I was following people who had criminal cases. I was center of the attention and the woman who was screaming was like a witch on labor. Do not retaliate. Just calmly follow their instructions, and torture them in your minds while you do so. Unfortunately, their screaming is an indication that sometimes they know better. After doing that repetitive job, you just have to follow. You are in their turf. There's no reason to engage in a fight lest you be held in contempt...remember you are at the NBI Headquarters after all.


No matter how irrelevant the stubs are, especially the maintenance fee stub, hold on to it. Whatever they give you, make sure you keep it because they would need those documents repeatedly in every station. You wouldn't want to fall in line for around 30 minutes twice, now would you?


You'll need it for filling up the forms.


Not all people have your perspective. Prepare your money and fees before reaching the counter. Change your 500 bill to easy 100 bills or in lesser denominations.

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