Monday, August 11, 2008

The V-Shaped Masters

I was a regular swimmer, although not competitively. I did train for two summers and in-between school breaks like weekends. Whenever I went to Southwoods, I would always try to swim its Olympic size swimming pool in laps, but I only went as far as 2 and half...please reread the word "try", and that wasn't even in time constraint. Swimming, aside from you wouldn't feel stressed and would always feel refreshed, is a very hard sport. It could easily be life threatening and cramp inducing at the same time. Aside from having great respect for all athletes, I have a very special respect for athlete swimmers.

Respect in various forms and admiration to constant eye candies to some. But I say, who wouldn't recognize (salivate) at the V-shaped bodies of these swimmers as a result of endless trainings?

*See that passion, dedication and er...evidence??? That's Garrett Weber-Gale, left, and Michael Phelps after the United States won the 4x100 freestyle relay. Photo taken by NYTIMES.

Pix source:


kegler747 said...

haha! I know now who are your fantasies :)

By the way, I know that u r a bookworm so here it is, my latest find...

kaye layson said...

@Kegler: Well, they are just ONE of my fantasies! Hehe, thanks for the link! Miss ya Kegler!