My cheeks, I believe, have puffed overnight. Seriously, I feel something’s physiologically wrong with me. My left cheek hurt when I smile and I can’t properly chew. The drive from my house to the office was done while glancing at mirrors. Can cheeks just puff overnight unless something is terribly terribly wrong?
I can’t help if I make a doctor quack quack out of myself. I just get too paranoid that I do my own prognosis and diagnosis for the worst. And I know it does not do me any good. I tend to freak out and conclude based on whatever information I get on the net. I base my “would-be” experiences on personal accounts of people with various conditions due to possibly the same ailment that I also THINK I have. I imagine swelling, painful procedures, surgery to DEATH that I get scared out of my wits. Every flinch of pain I attribute to my condition and it’s like playing hide and seek on my own. AT the end I would not bother to consult the professionals. I would force myself to manage and be my own physician. Pain in my own freaking hands. In short, I do so many unnecessary things when I should’ve gone to the doctors first.
This is a bad practice. I would go as much as saying that “do not follow me.” Do not rely on Googled info no matter how reliable they are. It’s always best to consult professionals. Information is good and accessible, but I suggest to leave the interpreting to the professionals.
Now where did I put my company health book?
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